Did The Lights Blink Out?

June 27, 2005

Apologies if there was Feed2JS outage in the last 24 hours. I was unable to reach any of the servers in my office area and being the weekend,. I was unable to check on it. The server hosting Feed2JS had lost its connections to services, still trying to research why. For thos that ask, any outages are temporary and the service will never be shut down completely without sufficient notice.

Looks like things are broken ... The feed validates, but it's generating the following error message:

Error: Feed failed! Causes may be (1) No data found for RSS feed http://news.search.yahoo.com/news/rss?ei=UTF-8&vo=%22Ultima+Online%22+%22Lord+British%22+%22Richard+Garriott%22+%22Origin+Systems%22&vo_vt=any&datesort=1&smonth=4&sday=30&emonth=5&eday=30&fl=0&n=100; (2) There are no items are available for this feed; (3) The RSS feed does not validate.

Please verify that the URL http://news.search.yahoo.com/news/rss?ei=UTF-8&vo=%22Ultima+Online%22+%22Lord+British%22+%22Richard+Garriott%22+%22Origin+Systems%22&vo_vt=any&datesort=1&smonth=4&sday=30&emonth=5&eday=30&fl=0&n=100 works first in your browser and that the feed passes a validator test.

There's data in the feed, and it validates.

Posted by Ghosty at July 6, 2005 02:21 PM

Did you figure out why this happened, same thing seems to have happened with my installation of feed2js. The feed stopped updating, then why I tried to redo the script it gave this error.

Any help gratefully received


Posted by David Bradley Science Writer at April 6, 2006 12:36 PM

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